For schools and organizations
Autism Connections is dedicated to educating the local community about the strengths and challenges commonly associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Our knowledgeable staff offers a variety of professional development opportunities to personnel in school systems and human service organizations.
Listed below are descriptions of our trainings. We are happy to discuss how we can tailor our presentations to the needs of your staff. For more information regarding rates and availability, and to schedule a training, please email Kansas Brown at
Fees start at $400.00 and vary depending on topic, number of attendees, and materials.
For more information regarding rates and availability, please contact Kansas Brown at
We currently offer the following four trainings:
Insights into Autism Spectrum Disorder
We discuss the strengths and challenges that are often experienced by individuals on the autism spectrum.
We cover: diagnostic criteria, receptive and expressive communication skills, social competencies, sensory challenges, and common behavior challenges. Attendees learn practical strategies to facilitate the growth and development of students, with time for questions and answers.
This is a two-hour training.
The Hidden Curriculum
This training introduces the importance of the "hidden curriculum" – the unwritten social rules and expectations that we all know but was never taught – and how a lack of these skills impacts individuals with an autism spectrum disorder.
The training includes strategies and techniques to help children and adults understand social cues and unstated expectations, guidelines for what to do (or what not to do) in specific social situations, and practical tips.
Understanding and Responding to Challenging Behaviors
We discuss the strengths and challenges of children and adults on the autism spectrum and how these factors may result in challenging behaviors. It includes information on how to assess the intent behind behavior, strategies to teach desired behaviors and a review of helpful positive interventions.
Participants are encouraged to ask specific questions regarding their student.
This is a two-hour training.