Partner Directory

Berkshire Early Autism Resources Program

Category: Interventions
Sub-Category: Interventions > Early Intervention
Contact: Sarah Lynn
Phone: 413 499 4537 x103
Address: 388 Columbus Ave ext
Pittsfield, MA 1201
Populations Serviced: Males, Females, Multicultural, Immigrant/Refugee
Languages Spoken: English
Do you accept MassHealth: Yes
Other insurance you accepted: DPH covers billing
Do You Have a Wait List: Yes
Description: Autism Specialty Service Provider for children under the age of three. Must be enrolled in and Early Intervention Program and have an Autism diagnosis to receive services. Service can be provided in home, community, or group setting. Our therapy modality is relationship based and creates teachable moments once that trust is created. We generate our goals using the evidence based model Early Start Denver Model for young children with Autism.Families are taught techniques and interventions for carryover purposes. We work collaboratively with our respective three EIP's in the Berkshire's to ensure a positive outcome for the child and family.