Welcome to Autism Connections
Autism Connections is the western Massachusetts Autism Support Center funded by the Department of Developmental Services (DDS), ServiceNet, grants and generous gifts form businesses and community members. We serve families and individuals living in Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin and Berkshire counties as well as the North Quabbin area. Our offices are in Springfield, Northampton, Greenfield and Pittsfield.

When a family or individual first contacts Autism Connections, someone who understands autism is available to welcome them and answer questions.
Autism Connections provides information, resources, and practical help for children, teens and adults with autism, as well as their families, caretakers, friends and professionals. As children grow and make transitions to preschool, kindergarten, high school and adulthood, Autism Connections walks alongside and continues to provide information and support through these life changes. We help families build on their strengths, work together to create a positive vision for the future, and help people learn, grow, and be welcomed, fully included members of their communities.
For information regarding DDS eligibility, DDS referred programming, and the DDS application process for children birth-4, ages 5-22, or adults (22+), call us at 413-585-8010 or email your questions to us at autismconnections@servicenet.org.
Free Family Webinar
Join Autism Connections' monthly group Special Education Forum for Parents and Caregivers to review all Special Education topics. The group is facilitated by Nancy Farnsworth.
The Autism Waiver Open Enrollment Interest Period is now open until November 1, 2024!

Free Autism Related Trainings
We believe information is power! The more informed you are, the better you are able to support your unique family situation.
We offer workshops and webinars on topics across the lifespan of people with autism. We value your input on what topics you would like to see presented - please contact us at autismconnections@pathlightgroup.org with your suggestions.